Down Syndrome Awareness Campaign

This campaign uses storytelling through everyday objects to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and increase the acceptance of difference in others. Ups of Downs strives to encourage conversation about diversity through exposure to Down Syndrome in the home environment with illustrated mugs. People can learn about Down Syndrome through small booklets included in the package. These mugs display an illustration on both the outside and inside of the mug; a section of the outside illustration, portraying two boys playing games, is a glass window to the inside of the mug, which illustrates their imagined adventures. As one drinks their fill, the story unfolds. 

Meet Mitchell and Joel. These two nine-year-olds are best friends. They enjoy playing together and have many wile, imaginative adventures. Joel has Down Syndrome. This means that Joel does some things a little differently, but Mitchell understa…

People living with Down Syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21.  

Down Syndrome Fact for Ups of Downs Awareness Campaign

1.6 million children live with Down Syndrome worldwide. 

Inspiring Stories and Facts Booklet for Ups of Downs Awareness Campaign

Let's encourage conversation in the home about diversity and the respect and acceptance of those who are different from us. 

Mug Product for Ups of Downs Awareness Campaign

The illustration screenprinted on this mug depicts Joel and Mitchell playing the hot lava game, involving jumping on furniture to avoid the lava—aka the floor. The rug is a glass window that reveals the screenprinting on the inside of the mug, which illustrates the imaginary lava.