SCience-Art Installation

Out of the Chaos is a collaborative installation that explores Chaos Theory and illuminates the nature of order and disorder that are so prominent within everything. The three circles represent the orbits of the three innermost planets: a relatively stable system formed out of a chaotic environment. Once you find the focal point, the pattern emerges. What formerly seemed like random, chaotic pieces actually form a working system. As you move away from the focal point, the system breaks and the pattern is lost, hidden as Chaos Theory is in our everyday lives. 

Zeitgeist Team: Aubrey LaBarre, Joshua Bartkoske, Jason Baide, Lindsay Reller

Out of the Chaos Science-Art Installation Located in Montana State University's Jake Jabs Business Hall Detail Shot
Out of the Chaos Science-Art Installation Located in Montana State University's Jake Jabs Business Hall

Order and Disorder

From seemingly chaotic pieces emerges a simple yet stunning reality: order and disorder are not always what they seem. From complex weather systems to planetary motion, Chaos Theory defines our everyday life, whether we know it or not. But chaos does not mean disorder. It is so much more. 

Out of the Chaos Science-Art Installation Located in Montana State University's Jake Jabs Business Hall

Chaotic Systems

A chaotic system has form and pattern, although they might not make sense at first glance. When viewing systems of nature considered chaotic, such as weather patterns or planetary motion, at first glance they appear random and disorderly. However, through observation, the right perspective, and a whole lot of math, a clear pattern emerges.

Out of the Chaos Science-Art Installation Located in Montana State University's Jake Jabs Business Hall

Out of the Chaos was installed in 2016 in Montana State University's Jake Jabs Business Hall for two weeks.